;microcrox for SCI system ;Initialize switch settings .INSERT SWINIT.SLO ; SET F2SW = 1 FOR F2, F2SW = 0 FOR F3 XUCODE = 1 F2SW = 1 NEWMAP = 0 TLXTAPE = 0 ;Down: THIS IMPLIES TELEX TAPE CTRLR NTP = 1 TAPE = 1 DLS = 1 ;Set to 1 to include DLS DLSDEB = 1 ;Set to 1 for debugging DLS2 = 1 DLSDEV = 20 IMP = 1 ;Set to 1 to include IMP VC = 1 VCDEV = 14 XLIST .INSERT CFDEF.SLO LIST .INSERT CFNEW LIST-LABELS LIST-CORMAP